First Aid Only 90573 2 Shelf First Aid Kit w/Meds, ANSI Compliant, Class B+, Metal Cabinet
Solid steel case comes with a carrying handle and is wall mountable. Contents exceed the 2015 ANSI Class B requirements and are sufficient to treat 75 to 100 people.
Kit Contents:
Solid steel case comes with a carrying handle and is wall mountable. Contents exceed the 2015 ANSI Class B requirements and are sufficient to treat 75 to 100 people.
Kit Contents:
- (100) Fabric Bandages, 1" x 3"
- (25) Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packs
- (1) Antiseptic Spray, 4 oz.
- (1) CPR Mask w/ One Way Valve
- (2) Burn Dressing, 4" x 4"
- (2) Cold Compress, 4" x 5"
- (2) Sterile Eye Pads and Strips
- (1) 4 oz. Eyewash
- (4) Nitrile Gloves
- (2) Conforming Gauze Roll, 2"
- (1) Scissors
- (2) Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
- (2) Triangular Sling/Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"
- (1) First Aid Guide
- (1) Tweezers
- (100) Plastic Bandages, 3/4" x 3"
- (10) Hand Sanitizer, 0.9g
- (1) Padded Splint, 4" x 24"
- (1) Tourniquet
- (4) Gauze Dressing Pads, 3" x 3"
- (25) Antiseptic Towelettes
- (25) First Aid/Burn Cream Pack, 0.9g
- (1) First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 5 yd.
- (6) Fabric Bandages, 2" x 4"
- (8) Knuckle Fabric Bandages
- (10) Fingertip Fabric Bandages
- (50) Aspirin Tablets
- (50) Non-Aspirin Tablets
- (1)Hema-Flex
- (1) 5" x 9" Trauma Pad
- (1) 4" x 4" Gauze
- (2) Gloves