Ansul & PYRO-CHEM - Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems
State-of-the-Art in Restaurant Fire Protection
Great looking restaurant and kitchen fire protection
Architects and kitchen designers appreciate the fact that the Ansul R-102 System is designed with aesthetics in mind. The R-102 System's exclusive stainless steel enclosure blends right into the surroundings of today's modern kitchens. It's completely self-contained so components can be installed out of sight where they won't interfere with the visual appearance or operation of the kitchen.
What makes the Ansul R-102 System better?
ANSULEX Low PH liquid fire suppressant is a true breakthrough in restaurant fire protection. An equipment friendly, near neutral pH agent - it rapidly suppresses fires, cools hot surfaces to help prevent fire reflash, and cleans up fast. Which means that if fire strikes, you're back in business faster with less damage and clean-up cost.
Simple to install, easy to service
The design of the Ansul R-102 System features simplified piping and nozzle placement. And thanks to its cartridge operation, the Ansul R-102 System is reliable and can be recharged faster on site than stored pressure systems. All of which means a more flexible, efficient system that can be installed easier and with less disruption to your facility.
The Ansul R-102 System comes in 1.5 and 3 gallon sizes. These systems can be connected in various configurations to provide even greater capacity. Also, our systems are designed to protect a wider variety of appliances found in today's food service facilities... everything from grills and gas radiant char broilers to charbroilers and mesquite wood cooking appliances.
Serving Up Fire Suppression is Our First Order
In today's kitchens, higher temperature cooking oils and high-efficiency, slow-cooling appliances such as deep-fat-fryers have combined to make fire suppression more challenging than in years past. But the face remains: the need to protect people and property from fire is crucial. And the systems more food-service operations trust to do this? ANSUL R-102 and PIRANHA fire suppression sytems.
PYRO-CHEM Authorized Distributor
From retail stores and restaurants to museums and paint booths, Pyro-Chem offers fire protection systems for every industry. Founded by Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products, one of the most well-known brands in the fire protection industry, Pyro-Chem provides your business with quality fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems. If you are located New Jersey or PA. And need to get your current Pyro-Chem fire suppression system inspected or serviced, contact Continental Fire & Safety, Inc. Today!