Designed for use as a light duty lifting strut; 6,000 lbs. (2,721 KG) with a 2:1 safety factor
Works on any Paratech ACMEThread Strut. Easy retrofit of existing struts.
Requires secondary stabilization, just like Air Lifting Bags or HydraFusion Struts.
Struts can still be shot with compressed air for use in trench.
Struts can still be used for stabilization.
Works on any Paratech ACMEThread Strut. Easy retrofit of existing struts.
Requires secondary stabilization, just like Air Lifting Bags or HydraFusion Struts.
Struts can still be shot with compressed air for use in trench.
Struts can still be used for stabilization.
Optionally included Hex Ratchet Handle.